offline and in the wild
offline and in the wild
In 2018, WWF, TRAFFIC and IFAW launched the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online with 21 of the world’s biggest online technology companies after years of behind-the-scenes collaborations bringing companies to the table. The Coalition brings together e-commerce, search and social media companies across the world in partnership with these three leading wildlife organisations that support this industry-wide approach to reduce wildlife trafficking online on company platforms by 80% by 2020. This bold and ambitious goal has inspired 34 global online technology companies to join forces and proactively tackle the issue of illegal wildlife trade online before it becomes unstoppable.
By March 2020, Coalition companies working with WWF, TRAFFIC and IFAW reported removing or blocking 3,335,381 endangered species listings from their platforms. This has resulted from strengthened wildlife policies, an increase in staff ability to detect illegal wildlife products, regular monitoring and data sharing from wildlife experts, reports sent in by volunteers through the Coalition’s Wildlife Cyber Spotter Program, enhanced algorithms resulting from key search word monitoring and collation and shared learning. This figure shows direct action taken by the companies and a commitment to keeping endangered wildlife off their platforms.
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